
Depletion is the process of removing high abundance proteins from body fluid samples. Body fluids are highly complicated biological samples that their proteomes are composed of virtually all proteins encoded by the genome and more importantly, the abundances of different proteins vary dramatically across 100 million to 1000 billion folds. Without depletion, high abundance proteins will always dominate the proteomic profiling of a body fluid sample.

Over the years, Complete Omics has optimized a clinical applicable pipeline and it is composed of both a chemical-based depletion step and an antibody-based depletion step.  We routinely reach the depth of detecting and quantifying over 200,000 different peptides in a 10ul plasma sample.


Sample types we accept:

1, Biofluids, such as plasma, serum, saliva, tear, etc.

2, Customized sample types (please contact us to discuss)

Strategic Partnership with M20 Genomics, Advancing Single-Cell Multi-Omics for Precision Medicine

August 20, 2024 | BALTIMORE –  Complete Omics is thrilled to announce an electrifying partnership with M20 Genomics, a trailblazer in single-cell and spatial transcriptomics! Together, these industry leaders are…

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Exciting News | Valid-NEO® Platform Secures U.S. Patent

May 12, 2024 | BALTIMORE –  Complete Omics is thrilled to announce that our Valid-NEO® platform’s “Method and System for Neoantigen Analysis” has been granted a U.S. patent after a rigorous…

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Complete Omics Inc. Proudly Welcomes Proteomics Luminary Dr. Hui Zhang as Chief Scientific Officer

January 12, 2024 | BALTIMORE –  Complete Omics’ Clinical Proteomics team are thrilled to announce that Dr. Hui Zhang, a distinguished figure in the realm of proteomics, has joined the…

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